and Associates Inc., Anderson-Bayus Associated Architects, Bayus-Evola
Architects and now Bayus-Design Works. All names describing my practice
of architecture at points in time. Why a change now and why this name?
This change begins with a need to move past the name that described a time with
a partner that has passed. Keeping the name for 4 years since his passing is
a tribute to the contributions he made to the company and the effect he had on
me as a partner and friend. But now we embark on a new time and a new age. The
firm is more information based than I ever thought possible. This is the result
of the age in which we live and the excellent support staff that has taken me
to the 21st century. This is our future and that also means that those that have
helped me get to this point deserve participation in ownership. And so the firm
is poised for a new generation, in the information age with a new name. But I
am still Tony Bayus, and BAYUS in the name describes
that I have built the business and that clients expect my participation.
The word design signifies design associated with architecture. My name
is associated with architecture, and thus I felt the word architecture was only
necessary in a sub-heading. As architects, we solve building/ space/construction
related problems/issues. We design solutions in the realm of architecture. Therefore,
I have been in the business for 30 years and have been a principal in
my own firm for 25 years. Architecture is hard work, especially if the goal is
to succeed at the highest level. I, and the people I have with me, have worked
hard. This is our ethic and our reputation. Maybe it comes from my Eastern
European ethnic heritage. Eastern Europeans are known for working hard.
We have a collection of people at Bayus Evola Architects who work. We also have
developed a reputation that the designs of our projects are well detailed, quality
practical designs, efficient, cost effective and buildable with minimal problems.
In other words, our designs WORK. So,
we are a collection of individuals who work on designs that work, that when built,
become “WORKS of ARCHITECTURE”, like works of art.
And so we are – BAYUS DESIGN WORKS. |