The firm was founded in 1981 as Bayus and Associates, Inc. with a business
association to Badgett Construction and offices in Old Louisville. In
1984, Bayus and Associates merged with Anderson and Associates to form Anderson-Bayus
Associated Architects, PSC, being the largest minority architectural firm in
the state of Kentucky. This association enjoyed three years of work in
the public and private sectors. Nick J. Evola Jr. joined Tony Bayus in
1987 to form Bayus-Evola Architects. A 15-year association produced many
notable commercial, industrial, governmental and residential projects, ending
sadly with Nick’s passing in 2002. The firm has carried on as Bayus
Evola Architects under Tony’s stable guidance in the same location in
the Eastpoint Business Center, until embarking on a fresh new direction with
a name change to Bayus Design Works in 2006. Bayus Design Works is providing
the same quality architectural service, while featuring an information age
approach to information, services and communications.