J. Bayus
A native of Cleveland, Ohio, Tony graduated
from Miami (Ohio) University with a Bachelor of Architecture in 1975.
A 4-month stay in London, England featured study abroad at the Architectural
Association in 1973. Tony then earned a Master of Service in Structural
Engineering at the University of Cincinnati in 1976. Employment
during this education period included working at Fred Toguchi Associates
Architects in Cleveland, Ohio and working at the Miami University Physical
Plant Drafting Department.
In 1977, Tony began working full time at Tucker and Booker Architects
in Louisville, Kentucky, and upon becoming a registered architect
in 1980, became a Project Architect at that firm, until leaving to
start his own practice in 1981. Bayus and Associates Inc. grew to
a 5-person firm until Tony merged with Cary Anderson to form Anderson-Bayus
Associated Architects, becoming the largest minority architectural
firm in the state of Kentucky, designing most notably the 4th Avenue Pedestrian
Mall Shuttle Route for TARC and the Steel Technologies Corporate Headquarters.
In 1987, Nick Evola Jr. joined Tony to form Bayus-Evola Architects, until Nick’s
passing in 2002. The firm grew to 15 people, with notable projects being the
UPS Air Service Center and helping Republic Bank become the largest independent
bank in Kentucky.
Since 2002, Tony has guided the firm to continued growth and stability
and has built a great reputation for the quality of the firm’s work. In 2006, the
firm is taking a major step to the future, by developing its own website and
setting up our business communication and services to be Internet based. Employee
ownership is being developed to carry on the firm to a next generation. These
exciting changes are a part of the decision to change the firm’s name to
Bayus Design Works.
Tony has been active in the local chapter of the AIA (American Institute
of Architects), serving on the Board and being Chapter President
in 1985. In 1986, Tony served on the Board of the Kentucky Society
of Architects and was the State Convention Chairman that year, with
the convention held in Louisville. He has served on the boards of
the Anchorage Pointe Homeowner’s Association, the Independence
Square Condominium Association and the City of Anchorage Downtown Planning Committee.
He currently is a Commission member for the City of Anchorage Historic Commission
and is a member of the Church of Epiphany BECOME Committee.
Tony lives in Anchorage, Kentucky with his wife Claudia, children Anthony and
Emily. The family has lived there for 14 years. They are members of the Epiphany
Catholic Community and the Owl Creek Country Club, where Tony has served on the
Building Committee.